
for TREND Magazine Issue 30 

Creative direction and styling by Rishima Varma, Abby Ashbascher, & Angel Stewart

Photography by Claire Corbin, Emily Fuller & Josh McCunn 

“Elevate” represents the anticipation of stepping into the first party after the pandemic, leaving looming feelings of stagnancy and isolation behind. It represents the time for us to fully express our higher selves, allowing the night and the rest of our lives to unfold.

I collaborated with my co-directors and the photographers to plan and execute every aspect of the photoshoot, including the concept, location, styling, makeup, posing, and models. The photoshoot took place in an elevator to further the concept of “elevating” and “the anticipation of entering a party.” The styling and makeup were inspired by Dennis Rodman and Prince, both style icons who valued free expression of the self.


Melted Fantasy


Flight for One